Working Hour

Mon – Wed – Fri – Sat — 11 a.m – 7 p.m

For Booking


What is Microneedling?

Microneedling Therapy uses tiny needles to stimulate the skin to regenerate and repair itself naturally and safely. The technique which is tried, tested and trusted for a variety of skin conditions.

The result is smoother, brighter, healthier and younger-looking skin. As well as helping with aging or sun-damaged skin, Microneedling is also very helpful in the treatment of  acne scarring .

Microneedling uses a specially-designed device to create multiple fine needle-points in the skin over the course of a treatment that lasts about half an hour. These tiny “injuries” then stimulate the repair and regeneration process, which takes place over the following few weeks with further improvement over a series of treatments. Although it sounds as though it might be painful and unpleasant our clients have found it genuinely relaxing – because the needling is quite superficial local anesthetic cream works very well.

We like this treatment because it is safe and recovery time is brief, with some redness rather like sunburn that is most pronounced for a couple of hours, settling completely over the next day of two.

Compared to aggressive laser treatments that might otherwise be used, Microneedling avoids the risks, downtime and considerable costs involved.

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